Dogecoin started in 2013 as a joke based on the Shiba Inu breed of dog. 113 coins have been mined, whatever that means, and have a market valuation of around $127 billion. This is a so-called meme coin that’s become the destination for a horde of day traders egged on by internet buzz and a self-propelled buying frenzy. It has doubled this week alone in anticipation of Tesla CEO Elon Musk endorsing the digital token currency on Saturday Night Live this weekend. Oh, well now it makes sense.

Look, cryptocurrencies, markets, and real estate won’t do anything to you that they wouldn’t do for you as long as you’re on the right side of the trade. If you are an adrenaline junky trader and get off on the violent volatility of such things, more power to you. But if you aren’t necessarily young with a lifetime in front of you to undo your mistakes or otherwise have money to burn, you might want to consider hedging your bets.

Senior Life Settlements are a passive, non-managed investment that doesn’t trade on an open market or succeed based on the opinions of a digital age Messiah. The Yield-to-Maturity is a known spread between the cost basis and the face amount of a life insurance policy.

Life settlements are non-correlated to economic and geopolitical forces that affect market-based investments. The way they make money for investors is far more mechanical than ethereal. They’re downright boring actually. They just quietly make money.

Owning a fractional share of a multi-policy portfolio of secondary market life insurance policies is a reliable store of value. Just maybe, balancing your portfolio with absolute returns to offset the possibility that the Shiba Inu digital coin isn’t the new gold bar makes some sense if you already have enough adrenaline in your life?

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